A Complete UnknownThe movie premiers, at least in ABQ, next week, and while I’m excited to see it, I wish they’d chosen a different story.Dec 18, 2024Dec 18, 2024
On Being a DJI like a lot of music and lately have been pretty obsessed with getting my living room set up just right. It’s become a bit of an…Apr 1, 2024Apr 1, 2024
Listening to VinylI like to think I’m immune to trends, but when compact discs were coming into fashion (circa ‘83-’84) I started replacing my vinyl. I went…Feb 14, 2024Feb 14, 2024
A Review of The Rolling Stones’ “Hackney DiamondsI’m far from a fanatical Rolling Stones’ fan. I like them, but really only listen to them occasionally. While I recognize that the studio…Dec 29, 2023Dec 29, 2023
JuneteenthSo Juneteenth is around the corner, and my institution has given us the day off. While all the celebrations are this weekend, the town…Jun 15, 2023Jun 15, 2023
The Internet as a Force for GoodIn 1981, I finally got the cassette player for my stereo when my sister went off to college. While I had a turn table, I’d been waiting for…Feb 2, 2023Feb 2, 2023
Thoughts on a Nobel LaureateI’ve been thinking a lot lately about Bob Dylan. He’s turning 81 in May, and though I’ve been a fan for well over a decade, I’ve started…Dec 15, 2022Dec 15, 2022